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Another Country: Mirror Mere, Oil on canvas, 400 x 500 mm - 2007

Boxed #9 - #11, Oil on canvas, 300 x 300mm - 2007

Fallen #3, Oil on canvas, 800 x 1200mm - 2007

From There to Now, Oil on canvas, 400 x 500mm - 2007

Journey Into Colour, Oil on canvas, 400 x 800mm - 2007

Muse #4 and Muse #5 (Drinking in Light), Oil on canvas, 1200 x 800mm - 2007

Sorrow and Her Half Sister, Hope, Oil on canvas, 500 x 400mm - 2007

Tempest, Oil on canvas, 1000 x 1000mm - 2007

Tendine (Getting Down with JMW), Oil on canvas, 1000 x 1000mm - 2007

The Red Shawl #4, Oil on canvas, 1000 x 1500mm - 2007

The Red Shawl #5 (Fields of Gold), Oil on canvas, 1000 x 1500mm - 2007
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